Monday, 29 August 2011

Day after 4th Treatment

Hi everyone

Today I posted a review about the BSSP on the Boots website, as its only my 4th treatment its not possible to write whether the treatment is working, nor would it be fair to comment on whether it offers any permanency of hair removal.

Instead I wrote a brief comment stating about the packaging, the product quality itself and posted a link to this blog, I hope they will publish it because I am sure a lot of people will be curious to know whether its actually achieving any results, for their own peace of mind.

 As for treatments, 1, 2, 3, I cant really comment if I'm noticing any change, just that on Saturday mornings I wake up, shave the area once again, hairs at that time are approx 1-2mm, and then on Sunday mornings I start the treatment. I've kind of fallen into this routine.

So with this post, I have chosen to include some pics of the areas I've been treating, and over the oncoming weeks and months I'll keep showing you the same area over and over, and hopefully we can get to see if there are any lasting results.

The sensation of the zap itself, is nothing painful, just like a flick of an elastic band I guess, but there are some sensitive areas of the body where nerves are more concentrated beneath the skin, or bone, and these can feel mildly painful, but I think no "No Pain, No Gain" and push myself through it.

The day after the treatment, all the little follicle holes on the skin are a bit red, that's a good sign that the light has managed to travel down into the shaft and hit the root. Over the next few days, the little hairs will fall out in some places, but not in all. I've noticed that the thicker hairs, seem to hang around a bit longer, and get quiet stubbly, but I just keep on treating them each time, and hopefully their stubbornness will be gradually worn down.

Ive looked closely at the hairs, and on my body it seems I have two shafts of hair very closely together, its almost like two shafts coming from one hole, but in fact, they are just very close together. This is one of the reasons I look like I have a carpet on my chest. :)
Red spots for each hair follicle

Need to work on the 6 pack!

As you can see, my arms are quite hairy, chest was very similar to this

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